
~result dah sampai~

~dr maktab~

~nama & kelas dah btul~

~result final exam hr 2~


~result cam kosai je~

~hahaha lpas jgak aku pointer huhuhu~

~komen dr cikgu pon ok je...~

hohoho...sampai jgak result...lpas pop br aku tahu result aku.Igt dah x lpas pointer aku ni.Nasib baik ar aku lpas pointer.Aku je lmbt sampai result.Ape2 pon thanx 2 god 4 this result.Without the bless from god i didnt think that i would get such that result.Maybe the god still love me.ALHAMDULILLAH...Aku x tau nak buat ape lps raye ni...nak blk maktab dah x lama.Taun depan dah la nak spm...aduh....br stahun exam...nak exam lg....pening btul ar otk aku ni...maybe blh gila klau lama2 camni...k klau ade ape2 citer aku post lg ar...ASSALAMUALAIKUM....

*nothing is impossible

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