110609 -TwO caNT bE ThReE

*hmm..on that day just me n j hang out tgether...haikal n family have a picnic at tok bali..we felt a little bit bored when haikal not hang out with us..hahaha..now i know if the cicoks nk hang out tgther..i could felt comething missing..on that day i just follow j to jpj to get his licence..after that..bla....bla....bla...(a long story)...finally we take a pics...hehehe..thats all...lazy to tell everything..k tq..

2 Responses to "110609 -TwO caNT bE ThReE" (Leave A Comment)

hafiz says
8:46 pm

bakpo no kreto kat atas ado, kat bowoh keno potong? karot nih

Op aiman says
3:07 pm

sjo 2..
bru npok krabat..